¿Qué estarán sintiendo las personas que votaron por Pablo Longueira?
Aparte de pena y preocupación por el candidato y su familia, ¿no seras que más que algunos quizás se estén preguntando de qué les sirvió participar de un proceso electoral democrático si que ahora su partido o la alianza puede, sin necesidad de escuchar sus voces, elegir, a la pinta de unos poco, un nuevo candidato al azar?
¿Cuál de los políticos que aparecieron ayer en la televisión demostró siquiera la más mínima preocupación por el shock, la confusión e incertidumbre de los más de 400.000 personas que votaron por Pablo Longueira?
¿Acaso el bienestar de una persona poderosa e influyente vale más que el estado emocional de cuatrocientos de miles de personas? Lo visto ayer da a entender que SÍ.
Ojala que Pablo Longueira se recupere milagrosamente para no echar a perder una larga trayectoria en la política al servicio de un partido que sin saber que hacer frente la oposición ni la población concientizada/movilizada, descarta la voluntad de su propia padrón electoral para salir ganadooooor a cualquier costo.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
(Un)Encoding communications
A couple of days ago I came across this article describing the concept behind Sang Mun's typeface ZXX. Fascinated by this designer's work, I downloaded the font at z-x-x.org and experimented with it a while.
Above is the result of the experimentation session. Some of the phrases are sarcastic, corny or just plain assumptions, but the way that the variants of the typeface are used make certain words in thoses phrases harder to read, in some cases almost illegible without paying close attention.
As I was working on this sample, I caught myself wanting decoding verbal communication to be as easy. Anyone with the font could quickly make sense of any words that at first seem beyond comprehention. The enfasis that each of the variants; sans, sans bold, camo, noise, false and xed, place on each individual word changes the way the whole phrase is interpreted.
Similarly, when engaged in conversation, there are several signal cues that indicate the authenticity, sincerity, heartfeltness and honesty (or lack thereof) of a speaker´s words; intonation, volume, posture, hand gestures and gaze to name just a few, which depending on the solidity and longevity of the relationship between the people makes a big difference when interpreting the message.
In any case, the only defense we have against being taken advantage of or manipulated by mere lip service, politic speak, or economic jargon, is to pay more attention not only to what is being said and how it is being said, but the context in which it is being said. Why we make communication this complicated is part of the problem we´re all facing as we transition towards a new way of coordinating the way we humans organize ourselves on the planet. Simply put, we´d all be better off with a little more transparency and honesty.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Recomendations for reducing your vulnerability when dealing with corporations
The filmmakers of the documentary “The Corporation” do a great job of analyzing the personality of this social institution and diagnose it as exhibiting psychopathic tendencies, which although interesting and provocative, is all the more disturbing considering there isn't yet a cure or an especially effective treatment for the condition.
In an article on the subject of spotting this type of social predator, Robert D. Hare, briefly outlines a cluster of various related symptoms of psychopathy and provides a list of suggestions and coping strategies for reducing your vulnerability when dealing with this type of person. Below is a transcription of his list, slightly modified (edits highlighted in italics and contained within brackets) and adapted for dealing with the corporate person.
1. “Know what you're dealing with. This sounds easy but in fact can be very difficult. All the reading in the world cannot immunize you from the devastating effects of... [the corporation]. Everyone, including the experts, can be taken in, conned, and left bewildered by them. A good... [branding strategy] can play a concerto on anyone´s heart strings.”
2. “Try not to be influenced by `props.´ It is not easy to get beyond the... [well designed logo], the captivating... [packaging design], the fast talk of the typical... [brand message], all of which blind us to... [the corporation´s] real intentions. The... [focus groups, market research and customer segmentation], is more of a prelude to self-gratification and the exercise of power rather than simple interest or empathic caring.”
3. “Don´t wear blinders. Enter new relationships with your eyes wide open. Like the rest of us, most... [corporations] initially hide their dark side by putting their `best foot forward´. Cracks may soon begin to appear in the mask they wear [if revealed by investigative reporting or first hand information], but once trapped in their web, it will be difficult to escape financially and emotionally unscathed.”
4. “Keep you guard up in high-risk situations. Some situations are tailor-made for... [corporations: labyrinthian store layouts, credit card purchases, one-click checkout] etc. In each case, the potential victim is lonely, looking for a good time, excitement, or companionship, and there will usually be... [some brand promise] willing to oblige, for a hidden price. Know yourself. [Corporations] are skilled at detecting and ruthlessly exploiting your weak spots. Your best defense is to understand what these spots are, and to be extremely wary of anyone who zeroes in on them.”
5. “Don't blame yourself. Whatever the reasons for being involved with a... [corporation], it is important that you not accept blame for.. [its] attitudes and behavior. [Corporations] play by the same rules-their rules-with everyone.”
6. “Be aware of who the victim is. [Corporations] often give the impression that it is they who are suffering and that the... [consumers or politicians] are to blame for their misery. Don't waste your sympathy on them.”
7. “Recognize that you are not alone. Most... [corporations] have lots of victims. It is certain that a... [corporation] who is causing you grief is also causing grief to others. Be careful about power struggles. Keep in mind that... [corporations] have a strong need for psychological and physical control over others. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't stand up for your rights, but it will probably be difficult to do so without risking some serious emotional or physical trauma.”
8. “Set firm ground rules. Although power struggles with a... [corporation] are risky you may be able to set up some clear rules-both for yourself and for the... [corporation]-to make your life easier and begin the difficult transition from victim to a person looking out for yourself.”
9. “Don't expect dramatic changes. To a large extent, the personality of... [the corporation] is `carved in stone.´ There is little likelihood that anything you do will produce fundamental, sustained changes in how they see themselves or others.”
10. “Cut your losses. Most victims of... [corporations] end up feeling confused and hopeless, and convinced that they are largely to blame for the problem. The more you give in the more you will be taken advantage of by the... [corporation´s] insatiable appetite for power and control.”
11. “Use support groups. By the time your suspicions have led you to seek a diagnosis, you already know that you're in for a very long and bumpy ride. Make sure you have all the emotional support you can muster."
Originally I intended to write up an alternative diagnosis for the corporation, likening the institution to a dying patient suffering from some blood disease, money being the life blood of these organizations and its distribution typically being the source of much criticism, but after some research regarding a cure for psychopathy, I stumbled across Hare´s article and decided it was worth elaborating on the filmmaker´s presentation of the subject instead.
In an article on the subject of spotting this type of social predator, Robert D. Hare, briefly outlines a cluster of various related symptoms of psychopathy and provides a list of suggestions and coping strategies for reducing your vulnerability when dealing with this type of person. Below is a transcription of his list, slightly modified (edits highlighted in italics and contained within brackets) and adapted for dealing with the corporate person.
1. “Know what you're dealing with. This sounds easy but in fact can be very difficult. All the reading in the world cannot immunize you from the devastating effects of... [the corporation]. Everyone, including the experts, can be taken in, conned, and left bewildered by them. A good... [branding strategy] can play a concerto on anyone´s heart strings.”
2. “Try not to be influenced by `props.´ It is not easy to get beyond the... [well designed logo], the captivating... [packaging design], the fast talk of the typical... [brand message], all of which blind us to... [the corporation´s] real intentions. The... [focus groups, market research and customer segmentation], is more of a prelude to self-gratification and the exercise of power rather than simple interest or empathic caring.”
3. “Don´t wear blinders. Enter new relationships with your eyes wide open. Like the rest of us, most... [corporations] initially hide their dark side by putting their `best foot forward´. Cracks may soon begin to appear in the mask they wear [if revealed by investigative reporting or first hand information], but once trapped in their web, it will be difficult to escape financially and emotionally unscathed.”
4. “Keep you guard up in high-risk situations. Some situations are tailor-made for... [corporations: labyrinthian store layouts, credit card purchases, one-click checkout] etc. In each case, the potential victim is lonely, looking for a good time, excitement, or companionship, and there will usually be... [some brand promise] willing to oblige, for a hidden price. Know yourself. [Corporations] are skilled at detecting and ruthlessly exploiting your weak spots. Your best defense is to understand what these spots are, and to be extremely wary of anyone who zeroes in on them.”
5. “Don't blame yourself. Whatever the reasons for being involved with a... [corporation], it is important that you not accept blame for.. [its] attitudes and behavior. [Corporations] play by the same rules-their rules-with everyone.”
6. “Be aware of who the victim is. [Corporations] often give the impression that it is they who are suffering and that the... [consumers or politicians] are to blame for their misery. Don't waste your sympathy on them.”
7. “Recognize that you are not alone. Most... [corporations] have lots of victims. It is certain that a... [corporation] who is causing you grief is also causing grief to others. Be careful about power struggles. Keep in mind that... [corporations] have a strong need for psychological and physical control over others. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't stand up for your rights, but it will probably be difficult to do so without risking some serious emotional or physical trauma.”
8. “Set firm ground rules. Although power struggles with a... [corporation] are risky you may be able to set up some clear rules-both for yourself and for the... [corporation]-to make your life easier and begin the difficult transition from victim to a person looking out for yourself.”
9. “Don't expect dramatic changes. To a large extent, the personality of... [the corporation] is `carved in stone.´ There is little likelihood that anything you do will produce fundamental, sustained changes in how they see themselves or others.”
10. “Cut your losses. Most victims of... [corporations] end up feeling confused and hopeless, and convinced that they are largely to blame for the problem. The more you give in the more you will be taken advantage of by the... [corporation´s] insatiable appetite for power and control.”
11. “Use support groups. By the time your suspicions have led you to seek a diagnosis, you already know that you're in for a very long and bumpy ride. Make sure you have all the emotional support you can muster."
In conclusion:
Originally I intended to write up an alternative diagnosis for the corporation, likening the institution to a dying patient suffering from some blood disease, money being the life blood of these organizations and its distribution typically being the source of much criticism, but after some research regarding a cure for psychopathy, I stumbled across Hare´s article and decided it was worth elaborating on the filmmaker´s presentation of the subject instead.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Preguntas ambiguous que desvían la discusión
Ya que la página en facebook no acepta mensajes por interno, no me quedó otra alternativa que plantear mis preocupaciones públicamente.
Me preocupa bastante la forma en que se plantea la pregunta, lo que da a entender que los seres humanos no tienen las mismas necesidades, la necesidad de un hogar digno que les proteja del clima, la necesidad de alimentarse/nutrirse saludablemente, la necesidad que tiene cada persona (independiente su edad) para explorar sus intereses mediante la educación, la necesidad de acceder a servicios de salud cuando más lo necesita y todo eso sin endeudarse hasta quedar en la bancarrota mediante trabajo bien valorado, apreciado y remunerado que permita a cada uno desarrollarse plenamente ¿no es eso lo que todos necesitamos?
La pregunta que presentan en la portada da a entender que NO es así, que hay algunos que necesitan más que otros, y quizás, algunos que merecen más y por consecuencia algunos que merecen menos y necesitan menos, un planteamiento bien dañina y potencialmente peligroso para el futuro del país.
¿Quien decide lo que realmente necesita cada persona?
¿Crees que una persona tiene derecho a decidir por otra? por ti? por mi? por todos?
¿Parece razonable esperar que una sola persona, un partido, el gobierno de turno o siquiera el conjunto de todos los partidos y militantes puedan representar fidedignamente las necesidades, los deseos, anhelos y aspiraciones de 17 millones?
Friday, May 17, 2013
Undue silence in the workplace
A couple of weeks ago I was listening to a podcast of a “secret” meeting between Julian Assange and Eric Schmidt in which Assange explained in some detail, the difficulties and successes he's faced while working on the Wikileaks project.
One of the ideas Assange talks about relates to censorship. He distinguishes between two types of censorship, self censorship and overt censorship. Being that the latter form describes the commonly accepted interpretation of what censorship means; namely the intentioned attempt to suppress, hide, bury or erase information that would negatively impact the people involved if the contents were made public, I won't explore that idea any further.
The first type of censorship, which Assange believes is of greater concern is self censorship. He also refers to this form of censorship as economic censorship, explaining that it´s in any publisher´s self interest not to publish content that isn't profitable, for which there is no market. He goes into some detail with regard to this idea, although mostly from a journalist's point of view, probably because that´s the activity he has heavily invested his time, energy, effort and creativity in lately.
One of the reasons i find the concept of self censorship so fascinating is because it applies to all of us. Almost independent of what type of work you do, we each find it more practical in many cases to self censor our opinions and ideas in the workplace rather than expressing them openly in fear, conscious or otherwise, of future repercussions.
Imagine the personal assistant, when “asked” to type out a memo that he/she knows to contain misinformation, misleading representations or flat out bald faced lies. ¿Does he/she speak out against this type of behavior he/she´s been implicated in? It would probably have to be a pretty important memo, otherwise the personal assistant might decide not to speak up instead.
Imagine the situation of the police officer, who questions the futility of continuously arresting marijuana users rather than spending that time intervening in situations involving more serious criminal activity. ¿Should he/she mention this concern to his/her superior officer risking his/her future career prospects? Maybe, although arresting weed smokers is far easier and less life threatening, so the officer decides not to speak up instead.
Lastly, imagine the case of the graphic designer when “asked” to work on an ad campaign he/she feels is a bad idea, too manipulative, depicts models that not only do not represent the demographics of the community but intentionally disregard specific groups within the population. ¿Does he/she risk his/her livelihood or the chance to work on future choice projects? Maybe, although the ad business, being a seemingly tight knit community makes being labeled “not a team player” a riskier proposition, so the graphic designer decides not to speak up instead.
This is clearly not a comprehensive list, by any stretch of even the narrowest of imaginations, and yet these situations certainly don't seem anything too out of the ordinary. Every day we let things that concern us slide, either because we have too much else to do or because we figure it doesn't matter enough to speak up and risk adding to the already high strung ambiance of our workplaces.
In conclusion:
The point I've been trying to get at is that when our principal source of income is in the hands of a single person or entity (company/corporation), its reasonable to expect that we would all tend to speak out less in order to avoid any unwanted repercussions. This unintended side effect of at-will employment, which few people seem to talk about, but which i imagine to be far more prevalent than most would admit, seems like it would have oxidizing effects on our sense of community which when left unattended could create ever larger breaches in our social compact. Come to think of it, it´s kind of what we see going on all around us in so many different countries across the globe nowadays.
¿when was the last time you didn´t speak out at work about something that bothered you? and ¿what were your concerns related to? please do comment below.
One of the ideas Assange talks about relates to censorship. He distinguishes between two types of censorship, self censorship and overt censorship. Being that the latter form describes the commonly accepted interpretation of what censorship means; namely the intentioned attempt to suppress, hide, bury or erase information that would negatively impact the people involved if the contents were made public, I won't explore that idea any further.
The first type of censorship, which Assange believes is of greater concern is self censorship. He also refers to this form of censorship as economic censorship, explaining that it´s in any publisher´s self interest not to publish content that isn't profitable, for which there is no market. He goes into some detail with regard to this idea, although mostly from a journalist's point of view, probably because that´s the activity he has heavily invested his time, energy, effort and creativity in lately.
One of the reasons i find the concept of self censorship so fascinating is because it applies to all of us. Almost independent of what type of work you do, we each find it more practical in many cases to self censor our opinions and ideas in the workplace rather than expressing them openly in fear, conscious or otherwise, of future repercussions.
Imagine the personal assistant, when “asked” to type out a memo that he/she knows to contain misinformation, misleading representations or flat out bald faced lies. ¿Does he/she speak out against this type of behavior he/she´s been implicated in? It would probably have to be a pretty important memo, otherwise the personal assistant might decide not to speak up instead.
Imagine the situation of the police officer, who questions the futility of continuously arresting marijuana users rather than spending that time intervening in situations involving more serious criminal activity. ¿Should he/she mention this concern to his/her superior officer risking his/her future career prospects? Maybe, although arresting weed smokers is far easier and less life threatening, so the officer decides not to speak up instead.
Lastly, imagine the case of the graphic designer when “asked” to work on an ad campaign he/she feels is a bad idea, too manipulative, depicts models that not only do not represent the demographics of the community but intentionally disregard specific groups within the population. ¿Does he/she risk his/her livelihood or the chance to work on future choice projects? Maybe, although the ad business, being a seemingly tight knit community makes being labeled “not a team player” a riskier proposition, so the graphic designer decides not to speak up instead.
This is clearly not a comprehensive list, by any stretch of even the narrowest of imaginations, and yet these situations certainly don't seem anything too out of the ordinary. Every day we let things that concern us slide, either because we have too much else to do or because we figure it doesn't matter enough to speak up and risk adding to the already high strung ambiance of our workplaces.
In conclusion:
The point I've been trying to get at is that when our principal source of income is in the hands of a single person or entity (company/corporation), its reasonable to expect that we would all tend to speak out less in order to avoid any unwanted repercussions. This unintended side effect of at-will employment, which few people seem to talk about, but which i imagine to be far more prevalent than most would admit, seems like it would have oxidizing effects on our sense of community which when left unattended could create ever larger breaches in our social compact. Come to think of it, it´s kind of what we see going on all around us in so many different countries across the globe nowadays.
¿when was the last time you didn´t speak out at work about something that bothered you? and ¿what were your concerns related to? please do comment below.
at-will employment,
creative writing,
daily routine,
free speech,
julian assange,
self censorship,
sense making,
Posted by
10:42 AM
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Una fuente inesperada de alegria casi incontenible
El viernes pasado asistí a una charla que trataba de las razones por la que crecientemente existe mayor increencia religiosa hoy entre las personas. Me sorprendió, dado que durante las semanas previas había disfrutado tanto de ver en Youtube varias charlas y entrevistas con Richard Dawkins, posiblemente uno de los ateos más populares actualmente, la claridad, tranquilidad y coherencia con que Rodrigo Polanco abordó el tema.
Confieso que esperaba un discurso narrativo bastante más alejado de la realidad, según cómo lo percibo por lo menos. A cambio, me encontré con una presentación bien preparada, transmitida con elocuencia y carisma, participativa en ciertos momentos cuyo contenido de descripciones aparentemente razonables me hizo sentir en algunas instantes miedo de que la supuesta solidez de los fundamentos en los que se basaron sus argumentos fueran capaces de convencerme hasta a mí de algo sobre lo que dudas no me hacen falta.
Enfrentado con esa situación, recuerdo vívidamente un momento particular en que tuve que morderme el labio para no reirme, no porque lo que estaba escuchando y anotando me parecía chistoso o ridículo, pero por una casi inexplicable alegría que se gatilló en mi. Alegría digo porque siendo un tema, nuestra relación con lo divino del universo por decirlo de alguna manera, que me interesa profundamente, fue tan bienvenida la sorpresa de encontrarme con información que me pareció útil para seguir desarrollando mis propias nociones/ideas/perspectiva y cosmovisión que casi me dejé reaccionar espontáneamente.
Dado el contexto en que estaba, reirme hubiese parecido tremendamente inapropiado claramente, pero creo que en ese momento intuí que estaba frente a una verdadera oportunidad para aprender/crecer, sin considerar o prever en ese instante el trabajo que tendría/estoy haciendo para desenredar, hilo por hilo, cada frase y dato que logré anotar/registrar del contenido que se me fue comunicando durante la presentación.
Viendolo/pensándolo ahora, esa sensación que me motivó a morderme el labio fue una clara señal quizás, de cuánto amo aprender del tema y lo importante/necesario que es suspender, a veces, la certeza que mantengo respecto a temas que me importan, que me interesan, los que me preocupan y me llaman la atención, y quizás especialmente cuando me encuentro frente a una postura aparentemente contraria a la que pienso/siento sostener.
Siendo una persona que se ha dedicado a estudiar/aprender/practicar durante la última década, habilidades y técnicas que tienen que ver en su núcleo/esencia precisamente con comprender no sólo cómo el contenido y la forma de un producto/servicio/solución afecta a las personas para quienes fue desarrollado el proyecto, sino también como ambos aspectos interactúan para influir en su estimación de valor y la percepción del beneficio que les entrega, descubrí inesperadamente otro ámbito de la vida en la puede intervenir el pensamiento de diseño, o design thinking.
En conclusión:
A modo de conclusión, le cuento estimad@ lector@, que cuando me puse a redactar este post, mi intención fue abordar otro tema, el de la crisis de la representatividad hoy, tema que opté dejar pendiente por ahora para compartir lo que acabas de leer. A pesar de que el resultado del proceso de escribir/pensar no tiene clara relación con el tema que lo originó, aprovecho de preguntarte lo siguiente:
¿cuando fue la última vez que sentiste similar reacción (alegría casi incontenible) frente a un contenido cuyo veracidad sospechabas?
Thursday, May 9, 2013
the Inception of insidious marketing campaigns
In a class some 15+ years ago at Dhahran Academy, my classmates and I sat huddled in a semicircle watching as the P.E. teacher knelt on the floor to show us a magic trick of sorts. He began waving his hands about briefly, in a seemingly random fashion, after which he stopped and placing one hand on the arm that was supporting his weight while he intently gazing at the patch of floor above which he had drawn an imaginary number, asked the class to guess what number it was.
After a couple of rounds, I remember the teacher explicitly instructing those students who had figured it out, and guessed the number correctly, NOT to give away their secret. I also remember, quite vividly in fact, being the first student NOT to follow his instructions*, awkwardly ending the game and spoiling the discovery process for my fellow classmates. NOT one of my proudest moments.
Fast forward to about two weeks ago when I was confronted by a similar feeling, which I now believe provoked my disobedience* all those years ago, after having watched a video on youtube entitled, coincidentally some might say, “Real Beauty Sketches” by branD.
If you haven't seen or heard about it yet, and even though I don't recommend you watch it, be aware that what follows will probably spoil the experience for you. Actually, I'm hoping it foils the intended experience for you or at least forces/invites you, if you've already seen it, to think about it differently.
This video showcases, in my opinion at least, some of the most sophisticated marketing campaign production techniques in the business, and to be clear, that is NOT a compliment. From the various comments I've read, this video seems to be weaving its magic with frightening efficiency, something that ordinarily wouldn't have bothered me so except for the fact that one of my dearest friends on facebook posted it to her timeline. Her comment read something like “I know this has to do with a brand, but its totally real. We're more beautiful than we think we are, or worse yet, to what they've led us to believe” a sentiment far too similar to my own and other people´s first reactions that I couldn't continue to ignore it. Actually, having rationally, although briefly, studied the video, I might have gone on ignoring the message, confident in the knowledge that I had outwitted the creation team´s efforts and more or less easily avoided any lasting impact my initial viewing might have had on me in the future, maybe. I could list, point by point some of the observations I've made relating to what the video doesn't show that might help you in decoding and decoupling the emergent brand/emotion connection formed or forming in your mental circuitry while watching the video, but that would cause me to re-live feelings I personally don't want to dredge up.*
Instead, I'll ask you to think about branD´s commercial in the context of a movie, Inception, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy and Ken Watanabe If you haven't seen it, here´s another spoiler alert, but for those who have, as you'll recall, the team lead by DiCaprio is hired to plant the seed of an idea into the businessman´s head (played by Watanabe), so that when it came time for him to make a crucial decision, to sell his company, DiCaprio´s employer could be assured a predictable outcome.
Fast forward to about two weeks ago when I was confronted by a similar feeling, which I now believe provoked my disobedience* all those years ago, after having watched a video on youtube entitled, coincidentally some might say, “Real Beauty Sketches” by branD.
If you haven't seen or heard about it yet, and even though I don't recommend you watch it, be aware that what follows will probably spoil the experience for you. Actually, I'm hoping it foils the intended experience for you or at least forces/invites you, if you've already seen it, to think about it differently.
This video showcases, in my opinion at least, some of the most sophisticated marketing campaign production techniques in the business, and to be clear, that is NOT a compliment. From the various comments I've read, this video seems to be weaving its magic with frightening efficiency, something that ordinarily wouldn't have bothered me so except for the fact that one of my dearest friends on facebook posted it to her timeline. Her comment read something like “I know this has to do with a brand, but its totally real. We're more beautiful than we think we are, or worse yet, to what they've led us to believe” a sentiment far too similar to my own and other people´s first reactions that I couldn't continue to ignore it. Actually, having rationally, although briefly, studied the video, I might have gone on ignoring the message, confident in the knowledge that I had outwitted the creation team´s efforts and more or less easily avoided any lasting impact my initial viewing might have had on me in the future, maybe. I could list, point by point some of the observations I've made relating to what the video doesn't show that might help you in decoding and decoupling the emergent brand/emotion connection formed or forming in your mental circuitry while watching the video, but that would cause me to re-live feelings I personally don't want to dredge up.*
Instead, I'll ask you to think about branD´s commercial in the context of a movie, Inception, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy and Ken Watanabe If you haven't seen it, here´s another spoiler alert, but for those who have, as you'll recall, the team lead by DiCaprio is hired to plant the seed of an idea into the businessman´s head (played by Watanabe), so that when it came time for him to make a crucial decision, to sell his company, DiCaprio´s employer could be assured a predictable outcome.
In conclusion:
I hope that thinking about the commercial in the context of the movie was a helpful enough hint to grasp the insidious nature of these kinds of uber sophisticated marketing schemes. If not, I'll leave you with a couple of questions to consider, dear reader, in the hope that they help shed more light on the gravity of these psy-op tactics.
¿how does it make you feel NOW knowing that the same emotions you experienced while/after watching the commercial could potentially be linked to every future instance of that same feeling for the rest of your life?
¿what impact might a seemingly tiny memory/experience have on your own self image now and how could that influence your behavior both in the present and 15 years from now?
ad free web,
anti marketing,
comprensión lectora,
creative writing,
real beauty sketches,
sense making,
Posted by
10:07 PM
Sunday, May 5, 2013
A Principle of Uncertainty; managing a relationship with time
While trying to write and think about how to frame a proposal I've come up with relating to value added tax on books (19% here in Chile), I've come face to face with one of my greatest fears... something, that although not precisely disturbing and in spite of my ability to recognize it, I'm still not quite skilled enough at managing... I´d perhaps describe it as the tension that I perceive when planning for and coming up with alternatives to get from where I am, at this moment in time, or more precisely, where I just previously left off, to where I imagine i'd like to be or where I feel I need to be a few years into the future. [now that i'm looking over my initial handwritten draft, the confusion seems more comprehensible, but i'll continue]
I imagine that the relative ease with which i'm currently able to recognize this emotional conflict/opportunity probably has to do with the fact that recently I've been spending the larger portion of my time engaging in activities which I enjoy and simultaneously believe to be both necessary for my professional development and personal growth. [a light pat on the back and a brief search and description of the cause of those emergent thoughts/emotions]
Somehow being engaged in those activities has enabled me to reaffirm/confirm/modify my personal views about my place on this planet, the relationships I currently have with the few people I interact with and by extension it seems, about how I ought to behave in order that my brief presence here have the least possible negative impact on all the living organisms and life sustaining systems i either come into contact with directly or whom/which i, through the decisions i make consciously or otherwise, indirectly affect in ways i can/can´t imagine/possibly imagine respectively and respectfully. [remembering that i´m not alone, that i am in fact part of something far bigger than myself]
When faced with such a seemingly simple task [writing about a topic i know relatively little about so far, a task which I myself put forth, it seems odd, given that I believe myself to be, in general, someone capable of making unique observations and divining insights which at their best happily surprise others, that it would be/is so difficult to concentrate/focus on the present in order that i might bring to bear the talents i've nurtured and skills i've practiced during the last decade, if not more, of my life in a single session of creative expression. [some more confusion with some self doubt thrown in for good measure and ending with a brief evaluation of my self worth]
The only conclusion, if you'd call it that, is that I still have a lot of work to do on this self assigned project and work to do in cultivating a sense of patience and clarity of thought/action before i'll feel more comfortable about handling the uncertainty that seems to naturally accompany any creative endeavor, including this pilgrimage called being human. [at this point i was coming to the end of the page and since i like to keep one idea on one page i had to wrap it up quick. i remind myself to be more patient, give myself more time and that i needed to get back to work/living]
In conclusion:
I was a little hesitant at first about publishing this post, being that it doesn't really make much sense. Clearly I did decide to make it public, partly because there are a lot of times when getting the job done involves recognizing/managing/overcoming a lot of these seemingly trivial internal dramas and partly because it seems we generally don't consider these kinds of exercises as part of our work processes and as a result make little or no room for them even though we all know they occur quite frequently.
¿What strategies or coping mechanisms do you, dear reader, employ/deploy when managing a relationship with time?
I imagine that the relative ease with which i'm currently able to recognize this emotional conflict/opportunity probably has to do with the fact that recently I've been spending the larger portion of my time engaging in activities which I enjoy and simultaneously believe to be both necessary for my professional development and personal growth. [a light pat on the back and a brief search and description of the cause of those emergent thoughts/emotions]
Somehow being engaged in those activities has enabled me to reaffirm/confirm/modify my personal views about my place on this planet, the relationships I currently have with the few people I interact with and by extension it seems, about how I ought to behave in order that my brief presence here have the least possible negative impact on all the living organisms and life sustaining systems i either come into contact with directly or whom/which i, through the decisions i make consciously or otherwise, indirectly affect in ways i can/can´t imagine/possibly imagine respectively and respectfully. [remembering that i´m not alone, that i am in fact part of something far bigger than myself]
When faced with such a seemingly simple task [writing about a topic i know relatively little about so far, a task which I myself put forth, it seems odd, given that I believe myself to be, in general, someone capable of making unique observations and divining insights which at their best happily surprise others, that it would be/is so difficult to concentrate/focus on the present in order that i might bring to bear the talents i've nurtured and skills i've practiced during the last decade, if not more, of my life in a single session of creative expression. [some more confusion with some self doubt thrown in for good measure and ending with a brief evaluation of my self worth]
The only conclusion, if you'd call it that, is that I still have a lot of work to do on this self assigned project and work to do in cultivating a sense of patience and clarity of thought/action before i'll feel more comfortable about handling the uncertainty that seems to naturally accompany any creative endeavor, including this pilgrimage called being human. [at this point i was coming to the end of the page and since i like to keep one idea on one page i had to wrap it up quick. i remind myself to be more patient, give myself more time and that i needed to get back to work/living]
In conclusion:
I was a little hesitant at first about publishing this post, being that it doesn't really make much sense. Clearly I did decide to make it public, partly because there are a lot of times when getting the job done involves recognizing/managing/overcoming a lot of these seemingly trivial internal dramas and partly because it seems we generally don't consider these kinds of exercises as part of our work processes and as a result make little or no room for them even though we all know they occur quite frequently.
¿What strategies or coping mechanisms do you, dear reader, employ/deploy when managing a relationship with time?
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Moving towards a boss-less and ad free workscape
Crowd funding and micro donation services* are rapidly paving the foundations of a new socio-economic landscape. As internet access becomes more widespread, if I remember correctly not even half the world´s population is connected at present, and taking into account the rise in automation for many production activities (see FedericoPistono for more on that subject) coupled with the advent of human scale manufacturing technologies that are becoming increasingly accessible, we are rapidly approaching the point at which companies will no longer be our main source of employment.
The days of working for any single individual are numbered, and that number will only dwindle in the years to come, barring any “public policy” changes or interference from corporations about copyright infringement for example. Although many of us won't be able to continue to rely on companies to provide us with jobs, crowdfunding and micro donation services will make, or rather, are making it possible to maintain a lifestyle that permits each of us as Creative Beings to continue developing our unique talents, explore our personal interests even further than ever before and nurture our need/desire to contribute in some way to the ongoing welfare and progress of our community/culture and society at large.
I also think/feel/intuit that this shift will have extremely positive impacts on our collective/global footprint as well, eliminating many of the current inefficiencies in our economic systems especially as they relate to transportation for example. It is possible, at present, to download a file, created by someone living in another country, that contains all the necessary information for you, as the “consumer” to use to have the product printed locally at a Fablab or Makerspace rather than having to ship the actual object halfway around the world just because the combination of personal preference and creative/production capability do not coincide geographically.
As an added bonus, I imagine that advertising will no longer be the main vehicle (if it ever was) for staying up to date with the most current product releases from suppliers and producers we've come to depend on for quality products. Although it may be some way off in the future still, I expect that increased refinement of search algorithms, better and smarter tagging of content and more importantly, our continued use of social networking for sharing information we deem relevant from sources we can actually place our trust in more readily, will continue to contribute to the shrinking return on investment that brands had come to expect from ad campaigning.
* Below are a couple of links to lists of services that can help you get started.
For larger projects here´s a list of 10 crowdfunding sites.
For financing individual content like photos, blog posts, single music tracks, videos etc. here is a list of5 7 micro donation solutions for your site:
- Subbable
- Patreon
- Flattr
- Centup.org
- Mucash
- Tiptheweb
- Noca
- Dwolla-payment-button
- Gittip
The days of working for any single individual are numbered, and that number will only dwindle in the years to come, barring any “public policy” changes or interference from corporations about copyright infringement for example. Although many of us won't be able to continue to rely on companies to provide us with jobs, crowdfunding and micro donation services will make, or rather, are making it possible to maintain a lifestyle that permits each of us as Creative Beings to continue developing our unique talents, explore our personal interests even further than ever before and nurture our need/desire to contribute in some way to the ongoing welfare and progress of our community/culture and society at large.
I also think/feel/intuit that this shift will have extremely positive impacts on our collective/global footprint as well, eliminating many of the current inefficiencies in our economic systems especially as they relate to transportation for example. It is possible, at present, to download a file, created by someone living in another country, that contains all the necessary information for you, as the “consumer” to use to have the product printed locally at a Fablab or Makerspace rather than having to ship the actual object halfway around the world just because the combination of personal preference and creative/production capability do not coincide geographically.
As an added bonus, I imagine that advertising will no longer be the main vehicle (if it ever was) for staying up to date with the most current product releases from suppliers and producers we've come to depend on for quality products. Although it may be some way off in the future still, I expect that increased refinement of search algorithms, better and smarter tagging of content and more importantly, our continued use of social networking for sharing information we deem relevant from sources we can actually place our trust in more readily, will continue to contribute to the shrinking return on investment that brands had come to expect from ad campaigning.
* Below are a couple of links to lists of services that can help you get started.
For larger projects here´s a list of 10 crowdfunding sites.
For financing individual content like photos, blog posts, single music tracks, videos etc. here is a list of
- Subbable
- Patreon
- Flattr
- Centup.org
- Mucash
- Tiptheweb
- Noca
- Dwolla-payment-button
- Gittip
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Doce cosas que aprendí de Chile, el país en que vivo
No sabía que para sentirme digno y útil como ser humano tendría que conseguirme un trabajo
No sabía que el desempleo es la raíz de la desigualdad en el país
No sabía que los emprendedores en Chile se crean entre políticos del gobierno de turno
No sabía que el acceso a empleos y la remuneración de mujeres eran verdaderos obstáculos para extender los meses del posnatal
No sabía que en un país con pleno empleo no tendría que salir a buscar trabajo sino que recibiría ofertas mejores de empleo
No sabía que tan solo escuchar los anuncios mejoraría mi calidad de vida y la de mi familia también
No sabía que re-destinando un punto de la tasa de cotización del Seguro de Desempleo (en un país con pleno empleo) beneficiaría durante toda su vida laboral a los trabajadores
No sabía que existía siquiera, distinción alguna entre obrero y empleado y que por tal clasificación los trabajadores no tuvieron acceso igualitario a beneficios médicos ni beneficios frente a riesgos laborales
No sabía que los alumnos de educación superior, por preferencia, querían trabajar mientras estudiaban, y que ambas actividades se pueden compatibilizar creando contratos especiales
No sabía que por consecuencia de políticas publicas serias y honestas enfocadas especialmente a l@s chilen@s más vulnerables y la clase media, que todos pudiéramos tener una vida más plena y más feliz
No sabía que con poner en mayúscula la "U" y la "N" de la frase "unidad nacional" se podía referir tanto a un conglomerado político formado en 1936 y, a la vez, a un feriado que después de tres años, sin dar señales de lograr su propósito, se suprimió
No sabía que prestando deliberada atención durante tan sólo seis minutos (más una hora de análisis mas menos) que pudiera descubrir tantos indicadores de mi propio ignorancia respecto un país en que he vivido durante diez años.
Gracias Presidente Piñera por ofrecerme esta instancia de aprendizaje.
No sabía que el desempleo es la raíz de la desigualdad en el país
No sabía que los emprendedores en Chile se crean entre políticos del gobierno de turno
No sabía que el acceso a empleos y la remuneración de mujeres eran verdaderos obstáculos para extender los meses del posnatal
No sabía que en un país con pleno empleo no tendría que salir a buscar trabajo sino que recibiría ofertas mejores de empleo
No sabía que tan solo escuchar los anuncios mejoraría mi calidad de vida y la de mi familia también
No sabía que re-destinando un punto de la tasa de cotización del Seguro de Desempleo (en un país con pleno empleo) beneficiaría durante toda su vida laboral a los trabajadores
No sabía que existía siquiera, distinción alguna entre obrero y empleado y que por tal clasificación los trabajadores no tuvieron acceso igualitario a beneficios médicos ni beneficios frente a riesgos laborales
No sabía que los alumnos de educación superior, por preferencia, querían trabajar mientras estudiaban, y que ambas actividades se pueden compatibilizar creando contratos especiales
No sabía que por consecuencia de políticas publicas serias y honestas enfocadas especialmente a l@s chilen@s más vulnerables y la clase media, que todos pudiéramos tener una vida más plena y más feliz
No sabía que con poner en mayúscula la "U" y la "N" de la frase "unidad nacional" se podía referir tanto a un conglomerado político formado en 1936 y, a la vez, a un feriado que después de tres años, sin dar señales de lograr su propósito, se suprimió
No sabía que prestando deliberada atención durante tan sólo seis minutos (más una hora de análisis mas menos) que pudiera descubrir tantos indicadores de mi propio ignorancia respecto un país en que he vivido durante diez años.
Gracias Presidente Piñera por ofrecerme esta instancia de aprendizaje.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Effects of coherent convictions/actions on a human brain
I recently switched to adding almond milk in my coffee in an effort to end my reliance on an industry which at best employs suspect practices with regard to the treatment of cows. As I was preparing myself a cup, I realized that the instant coffee grains no longer floated to the surface as they had the first time I prepared this combination.
Although seemingly a non event, it quickly dawned on me that along with the substitution of the type of milk in my coffee, and with little or no dedicated conscious thought on my part, I had unwittingly also changed the order in which I added each ingredient, a phenomenon that piqued my interest and led me to wonder how that modification in behavior might have emerged?
Admittedly, in my haste to jot down those fleeting impressions, and after having attended to the summonings of the cats I cohabitate with, I did forget to add sugar to the mix. Being that I was already in my bedroom by the time I realized this, about to sit down to write the first draft of this blog entry, I decided to just go with it.
I guess my point is, if there is any new knowledge to be gleaned from this seemingly insignificant experience, is that it led me to wonder about whether some change had been made in my brain. Some change which although triggered by having followed up on a decision I had previously made, might somehow have inexplicably (to me) led to subsequent changes which are more coherent* with a related conviction I maintain, even though I don't always live up to, regarding the destructive effects large “farms” have on our environment, the well being of the cows and bulls and the dehumanizing conditions the people who work at these mega installations subject themselves to in order that 1; more people may have access to pasteurized cow milk and 2; they may maintain, for themselves and their family some modicum of comfort and by extension contribute positively to the communities they live in.
That* I think/thought was/is a marvelous idea (worth further examination), which I am/had to write about and share on the internet, regardless of whether or not the topic might seem laughable.
In conclusion:
I ask you, my dear reader, to consider the following question:
¿What changes have you made recently that have had a similar positive reinforcing effect on your personal convictions?
and time permitting, share with me and whomever happens to come upon this page a comment or link to your own site in the section below.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Bridging the gap
Day 1:
Imagine what impact light may have on human eyes which at best had only previously perceived slight variations in shades of darkness, to be suddenly exposed, activating all the rods and cones as an infant blinks for the very first time to clear the liquid from its eyes and suddenly, in a flash, like turning on a light bulb in a darkened room, is immersed in what may probably seem, although incomprehensibly so to the infant, the brightest light it has ever seen and although the infant´s teary eyed sight is blurry, it almost immediately distinguishes color, erratically, in a tunnel vision view of bright hot light... and that´s only the first of the infant´s senses to be jump started at the big bang of birth.
Day 2:
Now lets imagine what being exposed to unmuffled sounds, unrecognizable at first, might feel like to the newborn infant for whom even the voice of its mother seems strangely unfamiliar in that instant, as if it had awoken amidst deafening, indistinguishable and chaotic waves of compressed air that electronic devices and the buzzing of adults are combinedly inducing.
Day 3:
Imagine what it might feel like after having spent nine months living in the most agreeable hot tub like environment and then suddenly, having the vessel in which you´ve been suspended drain completely without warning, only to be thrust later on into a foreign, dry and cold environment, head first, as you feel every skin cell react to the abrupt change in temperature... as if the very container which housed your consciousness had suddenly transformed into evaporating dry ice.
Day 4 & 5:
Add to that, what the combination of both vomitous and choking reflexes, as the fluid which once filled the infant's lungs is forcefully expelled by the enormous strain of every muscle in its body convulsing and simultaneously tasting and smelling that liquid as it grasps for its first fresh breath of air, smelling for the first time, a most visceral and primal experience perhaps, but it doesn't smell bad, it just smells, and it doesn't taste bad.. notions the infant may not have any conscious sense of other than knowing on some level that it has to survive, that it has to get the fluid out of its lungs as quickly and efficiently as possible, even if that means it pours out of its nose and mouth.
Day 6:
Now, imagine the impact all those stimuli response mechanisms violently exploding into seemingly calculated action have on a being that has no sense of time, for whom, the seconds and minutes that pass between the final push of its mother and being completely naked and exposed to the elements might have on its psyche, in a lapse of time which might seem like hours and day by comparison, given that the infant brain, although not consciously prepared for the experience, is nonetheless ready to receive and encode those billions of electrical signals.
Day 7:
The infant still totally exposed, incapable of considered movement, flails about suspended somehow high above the ground, until for no apparent reason at all, the last physical link to its mother is cut when the umbilical is disconnected. Imagine the effect the instant sense of abandonment, loneliness, individuality, distinctiveness might have on the infant as it experiences its first emotions as an air breathing human mammal, emotions which it can´t make sense of, but can't restrain leaving it no other recourse but to cry out in tears of joy and pain.
Closing words:
Given all that, is it any wonder that we find great comfort in the notion that we, humans are the center of the universe, that we were for an instant not mere witnesses to the beginning of life, but living our personal big bang birth and that our disconnection from the source of that experience both haunts and motivates us to continue to strive for life under the notion that we were created by another/supreme being.
¿Is it really that hard to imagine?
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Fundamentos del Slow Design
1. Revelar
El diseño lento busca revelar experiencias de la cotidianeidad que muchas veces pasamos por alto o que son olvidados, incluyendo los procesos y materiales detrás de la razón de ser de un artefacto y su creación.
Reveal: Slow design reveals experiences in everyday life that are often missed or forgotten, including the materials and processes that can be easily overlooked in an artefact’s existence or creation.
2. Expandir
El diseño lento considera las reales y potenciales expresiones de los artefactos y ambientes más alla de su funcionalidad percibida, atributos físicos y ciclos de vida.
Expand: Slow design considers the real and potential ‘expressions’ of artefacts and environments beyond their perceived functionalities, physical attributes and lifespans.
3. Reflexionar
Los artefactos/ambientes/experiencias producto del diseño lento promueven la contemplación y el *consumo reflexivo (*término creado por Slow Lab).
Reflect: Slow design artefacts/environments/experiences induce contemplation and what SlowLab has coined ‘reflective consumption’.
4. Adaptable
Los procesos del diseño lento son de fuente abierta y colaborativo, basado en el compartir, co-operar y la transparencia de la información a modo que los diseños pueden ser adaptandos continuamente a futuro.
Engage: Slow design processes are ‘open source’ and collaborative, relying on sharing, co-operation and transparency of information so that designs may continue to evolve into the future.
5. Participativo
El diseño lento anima a las personas a hacerse participe del proceso de diseño, fomentando la cohabitabilidad e intercambio para promover la responsabilidad social y potenciar las comunidades.
Participate: Slow design encourages users to become active participants in the design process, embracing ideas of conviviality and exchange to foster social accountability and enhance communities.
6. Evolucionar
El diseño lento reconoce que experiencias más ricas pueden surgir de la dinámica maduración de artefactos, ambientes y sistemas con el paso de tiempo. Mirando más alla de las necesidades y circunstancias del presente, los diseños lentos son agentes de cambio de comportamiento.
Evolve: Slow design recognizes that richer experiences can emerge from the dynamic maturation of artefacts, environments and systems over time. Looking beyond the needs and circumstances of the present day, slow designs are (behavioural) change agents.
[Lo que a continuación esta escrito es una traducción de un extracto del libro "Design Activism: beautiful strangeness for a sustainable world" escrito por Alastair Fuad-Luke publicado en 2009 (p157-158)]
El diseño lento busca revelar experiencias de la cotidianeidad que muchas veces pasamos por alto o que son olvidados, incluyendo los procesos y materiales detrás de la razón de ser de un artefacto y su creación.
Reveal: Slow design reveals experiences in everyday life that are often missed or forgotten, including the materials and processes that can be easily overlooked in an artefact’s existence or creation.
2. Expandir
El diseño lento considera las reales y potenciales expresiones de los artefactos y ambientes más alla de su funcionalidad percibida, atributos físicos y ciclos de vida.
Expand: Slow design considers the real and potential ‘expressions’ of artefacts and environments beyond their perceived functionalities, physical attributes and lifespans.
3. Reflexionar
Los artefactos/ambientes/experiencias producto del diseño lento promueven la contemplación y el *consumo reflexivo (*término creado por Slow Lab).
Reflect: Slow design artefacts/environments/experiences induce contemplation and what SlowLab has coined ‘reflective consumption’.
4. Adaptable
Los procesos del diseño lento son de fuente abierta y colaborativo, basado en el compartir, co-operar y la transparencia de la información a modo que los diseños pueden ser adaptandos continuamente a futuro.
Engage: Slow design processes are ‘open source’ and collaborative, relying on sharing, co-operation and transparency of information so that designs may continue to evolve into the future.
5. Participativo
El diseño lento anima a las personas a hacerse participe del proceso de diseño, fomentando la cohabitabilidad e intercambio para promover la responsabilidad social y potenciar las comunidades.
Participate: Slow design encourages users to become active participants in the design process, embracing ideas of conviviality and exchange to foster social accountability and enhance communities.
6. Evolucionar
El diseño lento reconoce que experiencias más ricas pueden surgir de la dinámica maduración de artefactos, ambientes y sistemas con el paso de tiempo. Mirando más alla de las necesidades y circunstancias del presente, los diseños lentos son agentes de cambio de comportamiento.
Evolve: Slow design recognizes that richer experiences can emerge from the dynamic maturation of artefacts, environments and systems over time. Looking beyond the needs and circumstances of the present day, slow designs are (behavioural) change agents.
[Lo que a continuación esta escrito es una traducción de un extracto del libro "Design Activism: beautiful strangeness for a sustainable world" escrito por Alastair Fuad-Luke publicado en 2009 (p157-158)]
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