The days of working for any single individual are numbered, and that number will only dwindle in the years to come, barring any “public policy” changes or interference from corporations about copyright infringement for example. Although many of us won't be able to continue to rely on companies to provide us with jobs, crowdfunding and micro donation services will make, or rather, are making it possible to maintain a lifestyle that permits each of us as Creative Beings to continue developing our unique talents, explore our personal interests even further than ever before and nurture our need/desire to contribute in some way to the ongoing welfare and progress of our community/culture and society at large.
I also think/feel/intuit that this shift will have extremely positive impacts on our collective/global footprint as well, eliminating many of the current inefficiencies in our economic systems especially as they relate to transportation for example. It is possible, at present, to download a file, created by someone living in another country, that contains all the necessary information for you, as the “consumer” to use to have the product printed locally at a Fablab or Makerspace rather than having to ship the actual object halfway around the world just because the combination of personal preference and creative/production capability do not coincide geographically.
As an added bonus, I imagine that advertising will no longer be the main vehicle (if it ever was) for staying up to date with the most current product releases from suppliers and producers we've come to depend on for quality products. Although it may be some way off in the future still, I expect that increased refinement of search algorithms, better and smarter tagging of content and more importantly, our continued use of social networking for sharing information we deem relevant from sources we can actually place our trust in more readily, will continue to contribute to the shrinking return on investment that brands had come to expect from ad campaigning.
* Below are a couple of links to lists of services that can help you get started.
For larger projects here´s a list of 10 crowdfunding sites.
For financing individual content like photos, blog posts, single music tracks, videos etc. here is a list of
- Subbable
- Patreon
- Flattr
- Mucash
- Tiptheweb
- Noca
- Dwolla-payment-button
- Gittip